Asian Holidays


Asia is, in our opinion, the most versitile region in the world. The culture, landscapes, people and food are vastly different to eachother, whether you’re in China, Japan, India, Thailand or beyond.

Below is a list of all the Asian countries we’ve travelled to so far. Choose the one that you’re dreaming of and use our destination guide to explore all the best places to visit, things to do, where to stay, adventures to experience and much more.

If you’d prefer to find a country based on the type of adventure you’re after you can visit our Adventure Activities Guide.






Why Choose an Asian Holiday Destination?

At 150 Countries, we love Asia! There’s such versatility in their different cultures and experiencing them is a delight. From language to music, street culture, living style, the beautiful people, endless adventures, nature and food bursting with flavour, there’s something for everyone in Asia.

Not to mention traveling through Asia is generally more budget friendly than a lot of other holiday destinations. We love this aspect because it means we can stay for longer and experience more whilst also contributing to their economy.

Want to Contribute to our Asian Holiday Tips?

We love hearing other traveller’s stories. If you’ve got some great tips that you think our audience will love just reach out via our contact page.